Rohan Regional Rec Center
NE Corner of Morse Blvd
and Hwy 44
The Villages, FL
3rd Thursday - Club Meeting
4th Thursday - Educational Meeting
6:30 PM
8am- Noon
Tuesdays: Soaring Eagle Softball Field #2

Thursdays: Hogeye Walking Trail
8am- Noon
Located near Edna’s on the Green in Marsh Bend next to the Pitch & Putt Golf Course.
On occasion we may have to give up some flying dates at Soaring Eagle due to softball schedules, maintenance, or other Villages events.
We may occasionally run into some ball players who want to practice who are unfamiliar with our arrangement regarding using field #2.
Be polite in letting them know we have that time scheduled.

Before arriving for a club flying session,
all drone flyers should do the following:
Fully Charge all your drone batteries, the remote, and your phone/tablet before you come.
Take the time to read all your manuals and to watch as many YouTube videos as you can on how to operate the aircraft.
Pair/connect your phone/tablet.
Be sure all registrations and updates for your drone and remote are complete.
Take some short flights at home to become familiar with your drone and its controls.